lördag 28 september 2013

Addition to the artcile -"Aliens" among us?-

As an addition there is another disorder which can be understood as result of alien abduction by believers and since we still doesn’t know why this disorder develops there is score for believers. It is a HTI or Harlequin-type ichthyosis.  It is a very destructive skin disease when the skin contains massive, diamond-shaped scales, and tends to have a reddish color. In addition, the eyes, ears, penis, and the appendages may be abnormally contracted, the mouth is round and open, nose usually underdeveloped. It makes the baby look like a fish, or somebody could suggest as an alien.

In the past the disease was always fatal and new born babies survived just several hours maximum two days. Usually their lungs collapsed or they died by a complete body trauma. Since nowadays it has been studied, some drugs can extend the patients live however there is still no treatment. The oldest living person suffering of HTI was born in 1984 and is in relatively good health however life limitations are still there.   

The disease is caused by mutation of gene ABCA12 located in 2nd chromosome but the cause of mutation is still unknown. Nowadays the disease can be identified already during a pregnancy by an ultrasound scanner and rather 3D ultrasound image. Being identified the diagnosis is still devastating news for the parents. The decision if the pregnancy termination is a better option is very hard plus sometimes the disease is discovered when the abortion is not possible to be done.

The disease has been known since 1750, and was first described in the diary of a cleric from Charleston, South Carolina, the Rev. Oliver Hart:

"On Thursday, April the 5th, 1750, I went to see a most deplorable object of a child, born the night before of one Mary Evans in 'Chas ‘town. It was surprising to all who beheld it, and I scarcely know how to describe it. The skin was dry and hard and seemed to be cracked in many places, somewhat resembling the scales of a fish. The mouth was large and round and open. It had no external nose, but two holes where the nose should have been. The eyes appeared to be lumps of coagulated blood, turned out, about the bigness of a plum, ghastly to behold. It had no external ears, but holes where the ears should be. The hands and feet appeared to be swollen, were cramped up and felt quite hard. The back part of the head was much open. It made a strange kind of noise, very low, which I cannot describe. It lived about forty-eight hours and was alive when I saw it.

Nowadays the second oldest HTI patient – a woman born in 1992 gave a birth to a son, who as of miracle doesn’t have the disease and he is completely healthy.

If you think that it is totally sick and crazy to make a women with HTI pregnant or even be married with her, may I remind you that there are still people in the world who see and recognize the personality of an individual rather than his/her appearance. Although I agree that HTI patients are really shocking to look at, especially the infants and the word “monster” or “alien” might fit in place. But when the shock goes down I guess most people feels compassion and might ask why somebody is “chosen” to be born this way…
HTI baby
 The first HTI mother

See also


torsdag 26 september 2013

"Aliens" anmong us?

Everybody knows the typical bizarre image of an extraterrestrial humanoid: tiny body, big bold head, big eyes, small nose and small eyes, long fingers, pale color. This typical extraterrestrial humanoid’s description has a quiet long history. Nobody knows for sure when and where the first sightings in fact happen but it was definitely before the Roswell phenomenon. The oldest sightings are described already in early 19th century and usually closed with a very terrestrial explaining. However the believers still doesn’t care and their amount is growing. The real UFO or humanoid’s sighting boom started in late 40’s and it was culminating around late 80’s. Different sighting around the world and besides it there is a science and real human lives.

The first sight of the exact tiny humanoid happened in USA in 50’s during unspecified circumstances. And some people claims also abductions by these aliens. 

We all know what fear of unknown, lack of knowledge and thirst of sensation can do together. People are not sure what they saw and as they are pushed to witness they make up something and start to believe it.

People have a fantasy but to create a face, humanoid the fantasy usually needs to tag something seen, remembered and packed and stored somewhere in the memory. So if somebody sees a strange shadow in a field, the fear of unknown can bring back the old memory picture, tag it and create the actual image – in this case of a humanoid. So what did people had seen?

There are existing very earthly (human) beings that fit to the description and could be a potential cause of the humanoid sightings.

Who are the humans with a tiny body, thin skin so that you almost can see through inside their bodies? Who are those with big heads, big eyes and small faces? The chance you meet them in a real life is as tiny as their bodies. They are people/children dealing with Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome or HGPS.

HGPS is an extremely rare genetic disorder wherein symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at a very early age.  It is caused by a mutation of a protein called prelamin A. It is a gene LMNA that encodes prelamin A. Prelamin A has a farnesyl group attached to its end. In a healthy individual farnesyl group is naturally removed and normal form of prelamin A is developed. In the individuals suffering of HGPS, for unknown reason, the farnesyl group remains attached to prelamin A and develop an abnormal prelamin A called progerin. This abnormally shaped protein causes all the defects and symptoms of HGPS:  limited growth, hair loss, cardiovascular problem, scleroderma, kidney failure etc.

These individuals are not mentally retarded contrariwise they are usually very smart and they mental skill exceed the healthy children. But it is not a big achievement for them since the HGPS is a terminal disease and these in no cure developed although the HGPS has been known and described since late 80’s of 19th century. HGPS was first described in 1886 by Jonathan Hutchinson and it was also described independently in 1897 by Hastings Gilford. That’s why the disease (condition) was later named Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS).

There are about 140 cases reported in a history and nowadays about 80 cases reported around the world. However the number can be bigger as in developing countries or countries in a state of totality the cases can be misdiagnosed or just not reported due to a political reason or illegal human testing.

As the cause of the HGPS is still unknown and there is still now cure, can we play with a theory that they are results of extraterrestrial abductions? Or could it be so that the HGPS children had been just mistaken for extraterrestrial humanoids and helped create the world phenomenon of the “Alians”? The answer is up to you.

Read more:


An extraterrestrial humanoid according to a tipical decription
A girl suffering of HGPS

tisdag 24 september 2013

Shape Your Vision - More Science Less Fiction, recovering of real Files "X"


I decided to dig up and strange myths, sightings and phenomenon kinds around us and compare them more or less controversially with scientific discovers. You can make your own opinion, be believer or skeptical or just a curious one.

In my blog in uncover rare human conditions, rare features, cases and incidents of all kinds coming from all around the world.

And of course my personal opinion is presented as well and between the greater things there will sometimes occur minor staff just in case somebody then me is interested. The goal is also to create some interesting discussions.
Let's get started! :-)

The incredible flight that was shining, burning and survived...

This is one of my favorite stories. It begins like a science fiction. A British Airways flight Speedbird 9 took off on 24 June 1982; the route was flown by the City of Edinburgh plane Boeing 747 stared in London with a destination Auckland. When flying from Kuala Lumpur the flight changed to a shocking thriller…